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p3m() { pdftohtml $1 -stdout | w3m -T text/html; }

Yoichiro Nambu - Nobel Lecture, 3.49MB
などの適当な PDF を用意して,

% p3m nambu-slides.pdf


Y. Nambu, preliminary Notes for the Nobel Lecture
I will begin by a short story about my background. I
studied physics at the University of Tokyo. I was
attracted to particle physics because of the three famous
names, Nishina, Tomonaga and Yukawa, who were the
founders of particle physics in Japan. But these people
were at different institutions than mine. On the other
hand, condensed matter physics was pretty good at
Tokyo. I got into particle physics only when I came back
to Tokyo after the war. In hindsight, though, I must say
that my early exposure to condensed matter physics has
been quite beneficial to me.
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